As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
Prov. 27:17 [1]

As an officer on the field, one must effectively supervise his men conducting essential police functions. Patrol being the backbone of police operations, we must be able to ensure the success of our operation by strategically deploying our personnel to areas that are visible to the public and have easy access to crime-prone areas. If we fail to plan, then the plan is doomed to fail.
Patrol operations refer to the proactive and preventive activities that law enforcement agencies undertake to maintain order, ensure public safety, and enforce the law. The primary goal of patrol operations is to deter crime, identify potential threats, and respond quickly to emergencies.
Patrol officers are typically the first point of contact for the public and are responsible for responding to a wide range of calls for service, including traffic accidents, domestic disputes, and criminal activity. They also proactively patrol their assigned beat to prevent crime and identify potential problems. The type of patrol can vary from foot patrol in high-crime areas, to vehicle patrol in rural areas, to mounted patrol in parks or other areas where horses can be used for crowd control.
Patrol officers also play a critical role in crime scene investigations and evidence gathering. They are responsible for securing the crime scene, identifying and preserving evidence, and conducting initial interviews with witnesses. This information is then used by detectives and forensic specialists to further investigate the crime and identify suspects.
Patrol operations also involve community policing, which is a philosophy of law enforcement that emphasizes building relationships between the police and the community they serve. The aim is to build trust and cooperation between the two, as well as identify and solve community problems through a collaborative approach. This can involve working with neighborhood watch groups, attending community meetings, and participating in community events.
In conclusion, patrol operations are a critical component of law enforcement and play a key role in maintaining public safety and order. They involve a wide range of activities, from responding to calls for service to conducting investigations to building relationships with the community. Effective patrol operations require well-trained and professional officers who are dedicated to serving their communities and protecting the public.
[1] Hotaling, J. (2019, May 20). The Journey of Servant Leadership. N2Growth.