The painting that brought my dreams to life

An oil painting called “Jeeploma”, depicting a jeepney driver’s pride as a hard-working father, bagged the grand prize of the 32nd Visual Arts Competition (VAC 32) of Directories Philippines Corporation and the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company. [1]
As the eldest of five children of Juanito E. Aguinaldo Jr., a driver, and Magdalena R. Aguinaldo, a day care teacher, the painting "JEEPLOMA" touched the deepest part of my heart. My father supported me in my dream of becoming a police officer, and so I took up Bachelor of Science in Criminology as my tertiary education. Despite having a small salary as an all-around driver, he never failed to ask me about my studies, "What do you need? How are your grades? When is the payment for your tuition fee?"
I refused my father's financial support, knowing that his money was just enough to sustain our daily needs. So I became a working student, an on-call driver, earning 300 pesos a day. After my classes at the University, I worked all night and attended classes during the day. At an early age, I realized that we were not rich, and I needed to earn to sustain my studies and reach my dreams.

I had to work overnight and study during the day. I realized that I could change everything someday if I could finish my studies, graduate, pass the board, become a police officer, support my siblings in their studies, and bring a brighter and lighter life to my family. This responsibility made me forget that I was just a teenager, and I should be enjoying life and exploring. But there I was, finding my way to make a living and support myself and my family.

But God had a different plan for me. He took me to this prestigious Academy, the Philippine National Police Academy. He knows the best plan for us, and what we have to do is trust His plan and work for it. By entering the Academy, I was able to support and graduate my younger sibling, who is now a public teacher. Currently, I have a sibling who is an architecture student and will graduate in the near future. The Academy gave me a lot, and the people there gave me a lot. I would like to repay them by serving them wholeheartedly and giving my life not just for my family but for the nation.

At the Academy, I not only received a top-notch education, but I also gained invaluable experience and met people who would become lifelong friends and colleagues. I was able to graduate, become a police officer, and support my younger siblings through their education.
And now, I am proud to serve my country and give back to the community that has given me so much. My journey wasn't easy, but it has made me stronger and more determined to succeed. I am grateful for everything that I have accomplished, and I will continue to work hard and make a difference in the world.